Frequently asked questions

1. Can I return my order if I am not satisfied?

Yes, we understand that you may not always be completely satisfied with your purchase. That is why we accept returns within 14 days of receiving your order.

Please refer to our returns policy for detailed instructions and terms, including what condition the product should be in and how to submit a return request.

We strive to make this process as smooth as possible so you can shop with us with confidence.

2. What are the charges for returns?

In our efforts to contribute towards a healthier environment, we implement a return processing fee starting from €4.95,-. This initiative assists us in reducing unnecessary returns and encourages eco-friendly shopping practices.

3. How can I contact Tiny Bears for questions or assistance?

At Tiny Bears we are always ready to answer your questions and provide assistance. You can easily contact us via email at

We understand that you want quick answers to your questions or to resolve any issues you may face. Our aim is to reply to all emails within 24 hours.

4. What is the delivery time for my order?

At Tiny Bears we do our best to get your order to you as quickly as possible. We aim to deliver orders within 8 to 14 working days. Our team works hard to ensure that your products reach you safely and on time. For more detailed information about our shipping procedure, please review our shipping policy on our website.

5. What happens if my order arrives damaged?

If your order is damaged upon arrival, please contact us immediately by email at We will be happy to help you and provide a suitable solution.

6. What if I received the wrong product?

If you accidentally received the wrong product, please contact us by email at We will ensure that the correct product is sent to you as soon as possible.

7. How can I stay informed about offers and news from Tiny Bears?

To stay informed about our latest offers, product launches and news, you can sign up for our newsletter on our website. We send regular updates to our subscribers.